How Are You Really Doing?

Episode Summary

Ephesians 3:16-18

Episode Notes

Alright so I’m going to ask you a question and your response to it is going to reveal so much about yourself, ready? How are you doing?

Maybe you recoiled into yourself when I said that. I think most of us hit cruise control and default on a “good” or “fine.” That’s what we say when we don’t feel like talking about what we are really going through because we don’t feel like telling the whole story or burdening someone else or just going there emotionally. The truth is that most of you, myself included, are overwhelmed, have a long to-do list, and are physically, emotionally, and possibly even spiritually tired. That doesn’t make you a bad person, that just reflects reality. 

My hope is to encourage you to embrace that truth. "YES. I’M OVERWHELMED. I'M EXHAUSTED. I’M NOT IN CONTROL." Don’t run from it. Give yourself permission to feel those heavy burdens and don’t beat yourself up for it. The point is not to bury it with a “good” or a “fine” let it breathe for a moment and then also embrace this truth you can embrace the realities of living in a fallen world, a sinful world, an anxious world WHILE embracing the Word of God, rooting yourself deeply in it, holding fast to it.

If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if you have a verse you would like to submit to have included in a future episode if have questions about the Bible that you would like answered in a bonus episode, or simply want to connect with me... text VERSED to 88474 or click here

Also included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well. 

As always – ratings and reviews are massive! They really help others discover the podcast and ultimately help us improve VERSED. Thanks in advance for that 😊

Love you all – keep making hope louder!


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