Will God Help Me?

Episode Summary

Exodus 17:1-7

Episode Notes

Each of us has our own wilderness. A place where you struggle, wander, try to figure out life with no clear answers, you face issues. You could be wrestling with relationships with friends, loved ones or family. Maybe you desperately want children and it isn’t happening foryou. Maybe it's not related to the home at all; it may be connected to your employment. With others its finances; you live continually under the gun of insufficient funds. It could be an ongoing health issue. Maybe it's a problem related to academics and school issues. That's your wilderness. Where is God in the wilderness? Did He lead you there? Why don’t I hear Him? Will He save you?

This is a biblical principle and one that reverberates throughout the Bible. But it begins in today's reading from Exodus. Today’s episode is inspired by a message I listened to by John Piper.


Everything you need is here

Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well. 

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Love you all – keep making hope louder!


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